10 Things to Buy in the Fall

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10 Things to Buy in the Fall

Even though in South Carolina, fall doesn’t begin until mid-October, fall is my favorite season. Growing up in Florida, I can’t handle winter too well, and summer gets a little unbearable… but fall is perfect.  As a frugal girl, fall is also my favorite because of the huge clearance deals we see as stores prep for Christmas and new models.  Here are 10 more reasons to love fall, with a list of 10 things to buy in the fall!

10 Things to Buy in the Fall


  1. Grills and patio furniture
    In the South, we keep on grilling through the holidays, but in general, stores put these items on sale across the country at the same time. Patio furniture reaches its lowest price by mid-September, and grills start getting big markdowns by mid-October. They need these items out by the end of October to make room for large Christmas displays.
  2. Lawnmowers and outdoor equipment
    This follows the same trends as grills, but generally goes on sale more because of a decrease in demand.  Most people don’t need a lawnmower in winter, so stores reduce inventory rather than watching things take up sale space and collect dust.  Use the basic Economics 101 concept to your advantage and get an amazing deal on lawn care items when no one else is shopping for them.  Don’t wait too long though; many wives don’t know what to get their husbands for Christmas and sales tick back up on blowers and other equipment closer to the holidays.perenials
  3. Flowering plants (especially perennials)
    I know you are thinking, “Why buy plants that aren’t going to last much longer?” Because you’ll get crazy good prices on plants that will come back next year.  Make sure to look for perennials (not annuals).  Perennial plants that you can get in the ground and happy before the first frost will come back year after year.  I grabbed $1 clearance plants that still looked great this weekend. They will be gorgeous for years to come and were 75-80% off their regular prices.
  4. Appliances
    New appliance models come out in the fall, so use the old mantra of “out with the old and in with the new” to your advantage.  You are still grabbing a new appliance, but you can grab this year’s model and get up to 45% off.  You’ll also find more scratch and dent models in the fall as folks buy them and return them.
  5. Digital cameras
    Cameras follow the same trend as appliances, but this one can really work to your advantage.  Stores know that last year’s model won’t sell well for long; plus they don’t have the floor space for them either.  So get a fancy new camera for a fraction of the price.  Many times the new version doesn’t have that many differences, anyway.
  6. Cell phones
    We all know that new cell phone models are always released in September.  You’ll find the biggest discounts on the new models the first few weeks after release. For example, you can get up to $260 in credit towards a new iPhone by trading in your old iPhone.  If you don’t care about having the newest model, this is also a great time to get an upgrade of any sort.  Wait until a month after release (mid-October) and you’ll find great deals—many times money-makers after trade-in on slightly older models.
  7. Sporting equipment and swim gear
    The big seasons for sporting and swim gear are spring and summer. With school starting back and sports in full swing (or over for some) now is the time to grab things and tuck them away for next year. You’ll find swim gear up to 80% by early October, and many kids’ sporting items around 40-50% off.  For sporting items, don’t wait too long; prices do go back up in mid-November for the holidays.
  8. Summer clothes
    To get the best deals on clothing, you need to always be two seasons ahead.  Stock up now for next summer with major clothing clearance deals.  We’ve even seen stores like Kohl’s and Target releasing coupons to save you another 30-40% off clearance items this season.
  9. Pumpkins
    You think I’m being funny.  No, seriously! This is the time to buy all things fall that you love in the grocery store.  Pumpkins, canned pumpkin, apple cider etc.  Most of the items are only in the grocery store for a small 2-3 month window and then you won’t be able to find them.  If you love pumpkin pie, grab fresh pumpkins now, cook them, and freeze the meat now.  It will last for a while and you’ll be set long after it’s gone in the stores.
  10. Cars
    The car industry wants you to think that every day is a great day to buy a car. Really the only great day to get one is in the fall.  Next year’s models come out in late September, and they are eager to get this years models off their lots.  Look for great discounts and rebates on the older model.  Remember, it’s still a brand new car.  Maybe it doesn’t have every new bell and whistle, but those things just make them cost more anyway!

As you do your shopping this fall, check out our list of 8 Things NOT to Buy in October!

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