I set a goal for 2023 to spend 5 minutes every day decluttering/organizing. I’m sharing 5 minute projects on Instagram each week day, if you’d like to follow along. For those who don’t have Instagram or miss some of my stories, I thought I’d do a recap post here each week with a peek into the organizing/decluttering I did this past week.
Monday: Go Through Your PJ’s
I went through and found a few different things that no longer fit, were super worn, or I just haven’t worn in a long time.

Here was the pile I came up with, including my last maternity item to get rid of — my favorite maternity PJ’s (they were so comfy to wear for awhile postpartum but they no longer fit).

Tuesday: Go Through Your Pants, Shorts, and Jeans
I found three item to get rid of — two pair of shorts that I just never loved the fit of + a pair of jeans that is now too big for me.

Wednesday: Go Through Your Jewelry
I found a few different earrings without matches, a few pieces that were broken, and a few items that I just never wear anymore so it’s time to get rid of them.

Thursday: Go Through Your Tops
I found four tops to get rid of — two that I just rarely wear and two that were really worn out and had holes in them and it’s time to retire them.

Friday: Go Through Your Winterwear — Scarves, Gloves, Hats, etc.
Our tub of winter gear had gotten pretty disorganized in the past month and it was good to go through it.

I re-organized it, got rid of a few items, and put a few baby items up in our foster closet to save for if/when we say yes to another baby.