I set a goal for 2023 to spend 5 minutes every day decluttering/organizing. I’m sharing 5 minute projects on Instagram each week day, if you’d like to follow along. For those who don’t have Instagram or miss some of my stories, I thought I’d do a recap post here each week with a peek into the organizing/decluttering I did this past week.
Monday: Declutter and Organize Your Bedside Table
I was encouraged because it had been a full year since I organized this little dresser next to my side of the bed — and it didn’t need much work at all!

There were a few things to get rid of, a few things to move different places, and just did a general re-organizing of what I keep in there.

Tuesday: Spend 5-15 Minutes on a Project in Your Room
I chose to wash our bedspread — something that has been needing to be done for awhile.

Wednesday: Declutter and Organize the Top of Your Dresser
As you can tell, our dressers definitely needed this challenge! They’ve become a catchall for random things recently and I was so glad to have them cleared off.

Thursday: Clean Under the Bathroom Sink
There wasn’t that much to clean/declutter under the bathroom sink, but it still felt good to get it more organized and move a few items up to our bathroom closet upstairs where we store extra hygiene products!
Friday was supposed to be clean the bathroom drawers, but I didn’t get to the project, so I pushed it to Monday. Stay tuned for the pictures of that!