A Peek Into Last Week

4 min

A Peek Into Last Week

After a few weeks of slowly transitioning Baby D over to his new food, he is now fully on the Complete food and is doing so well on it! He’s struggled with a lot of reflux and weight gain issues in his lifetime, so we are thrilled that he is thriving on this big diet change!

I took these pictures of her all ready for church on Sunday morning.

This dress was one I picked up at a free consignment event for foster families and I just love it!

Look at all that hair!!

My brother and sister-in-law gave these to me and they are SO good! Have you had them before?

It is so fun to see him engaging with toys and with his world so much!

This girl is just pure sunshine! She learns more and more words and signs every week and it’s so cool for her to be able to communicate with us so much now… and to realize how much she understands of what we say, too!

A lot of my day involves syringes. I never could have dreamed that would be a statement I would make a few years ago! And the thought of deal with all the medical stuff we do on a daily basis would have overwhelmed me, but now it’s just part of my life!

And I wouldn’t trade any of it for the joy of loving on this sweet boy! He is a constant gift to our home.

He woke up in the middle of the night with a cough and some breathing issues one night last week, so I got him into the pediatrician just to make sure it wasn’t RSV or anything. Gratefully, it wasn’t and he’s doing much better! He has his big cleft palate surgery next week, so we are hoping he stays well!

One of his favorite things is to pull our face to his and snuggle up against our face and give us kisses. It is just the most precious thing!

Since Silas is on both a travel baseball team and a rec baseball team this fall, we spend a lot of time at the ball field (he usually has at least 3 games plus a practice or two each week)! And I love getting to watch and cheer him on.

And I’ve gotten really good at keeping these two (mostly) happy and occupied by myself during the rec games (Jesse is an assistant coach on the rec team and the girls often have work or homework and can’t come).

Do you cut your containers open, too? I’m always amazed at how much more is hiding in them!

This is such a real-life picture, but I love the togetherness and joy on the faces of my family. I’m so grateful for how much the older three love doting on, playing with, and hanging out with Kierstyn and Baby D!

She is obsessed with Theo, the hedgehog right now. Usually every morning and every night, she goes down to check on him and see if he needs anything.

She’s getting really good at knowing when he needs more water and food — and is almost able to get that for him by herself, even if it’s a little messy!

Jesse took this picture at baseball the other night. Look at that sky!!

This is how she prefers to eat right now — on the floor, in a squat!

It was a beautiful day today and I took these two to the park to meet a friend and her little girl for a walk!

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