Happy National Gingerbread House Day! Pre-packaged Gingerbread House kits can get expensive (and messy). So, let’s talk about some alternatives if you don’t want to buy a kit or bake your own cookie structure. I even included a couple that don’t require any food!
Decorated Pretzel Cabin
Use graham crackers as a base to make this super cute log cabin out of pretzels.
How charming is this cabin? It’s a base of graham crackers topped with nuts and pretzels.
This is the perfect craft for younger kids who may make a major mess out of icing and sweets.
Love Rice Krispies? This is the house for you. Make a big batch of them and dive on in.
I may have to make this house a little smaller than it calls for because I’ll be eating all of the Kit-Kat bars I bought for it.
Recycled Carton Gingerbread House
Save your cartons and make this cute house. If you drink a lot of juice and milk, you can make a whole town!