How a mom of 5 plans her days

1 min

How a mom of 5 plans her days

“Take the grace!” I loved Jeannie Cunnion’s words today on our instagram live that flip the usual script of “Give yourself grace” to instead receive the grace God is freely offering you.

She also shared so many powerful truths on this short live on what it looks like to live in the power of the Holy Spirit, to not carry burdens that aren’t ours to bear, and to set up our days based upon our priorities not upon people-pleasing.

In addition, we talked about:

  • Her 5-month social media fast
  • What helps her to keep Instagram from sucking her time
  • How she plans her days — she has five boys ages 26-6 so she knows a thing or two about planning!
  • Her favorite planner and why she loves it.

Watch our 15-minute video interview here.

Want more time-saving strategies and practical ideas? My new book, The Time-Saving Mom comes out in March and it’s packed with all my best tips and the foundational systems and principles I use to juggle a lot, enjoy my life, and accomplish what matters most! Order it here.

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