Jesse bought me some doughnuts last week (one of my current pregnancy cravings!)… and someone else was very excited about them.

We started working on learning how to color in the lines.

She’s also been loving these Water Wow books.
One of my goals for 2022 is to complete one craft project every month. I did an Annie’s Creative Girls’ Club Kit for this month.

Yes, this is a super basic sort of craft, but it was my first time to make something like this and I was really happy with how it turned out!

I posted this on Instagram this morning:
“How do you get over your insecurities and feel like you have anything to offer or share with the world?” The question came into my inbox this morning and I resonated with it so much.
I struggled a lot academically growing up. I could barely, barely pass high school math. I never took the ACT test in high school because I was sure I would bomb it so badly. I never went to college.
In addition to that, I had social anxiety. My worst fear was public speaking and being rejected by others. I avoided anything that might make me the center of attention.
And yet, here I am… teaching hundreds of thousands of people grocery math and showing up on video and writing posts that are seen/watched/read by millions of people (collectively). And yes, experiencing plenty of rejection and criticism in the process. Basically, I’m facing my worst childhood fears every single day.
Why and how? Because God.
There is no other legitimate explanation for it.
He doesn’t look at whether you did well or struggled in school to decide if He can use you. He just needs you to show up… and He can show off.
He doesn’t determine your worth or your usefulness based upon whether you graduated from college with honors or whether you never filled out a college entrance application. He just needs you to be willing… and He can use you to do great things for the Kingdom of God.
He can use you, in spite of your insecurities, social anxieties, and fear of rejection. He can use you — even if you feel like you don’t have much (or anything!) to offer.
Because He’s not looking for greatness; He’s looking for willingness and faithfulness.
I’m a living testament to the fact that God is in the business of doing great things through the most unlikely people.
So acknowledge your fears & insecurities, release them to God, and then step out and say, “yes, Lord! I want to be willing to be used. I’m scared. I don’t feel like I have anything to offer. But I want to be willing.”
Then, keep looking to Him, keep showing up faithfully wherever He has called you to be, & keep handing over your fears and insecurities to Him & asking Him to use you.
All He needs is willingness… He can do the rest!

He’s starting to learn how to stand up!!!

He’s even working on doing it one-handed!
I bought Kierstyn this Sensory Bin on Amazon and it has provided hours of fun for her. (You could totally make your own, too, but I thought this was a pretty good deal to have it all made for you!)
My 8 Goals for Last Week
My big goal for last week was to finish my manuscript and turn it into my publisher. I’m thrilled to say that I was able to accomplish this goal!! I will now wait for the first round of edits from my publisher before I start working on the book again. It’s got a lot of work left and multiple rounds of edits, but I’m so excited to be to this place!
Personal Goals
Delete 1000 photos and videos from my phone.Do one extra house-cleaning project every day(follow along on Instagram for details!)Do a craft project.
Reading Goals
- Finish reading Unoffendable and The Woman They Could Not Silence.
Family Goals
Watch the Olympics & Super Bowl together as a family.
Business/Blogging Goals
Write a post on surviving & thriving with two littles.
Book Goals
Read through each chapter of the book.Work on final edits before turning book in to my publisher.
My 10 Goals for This Week
Personal Goals
- Delete 1000 photos and videos from my phone.
- Do one extra house-cleaning project every day (follow along on Instagram for details!)
- Do a craft project.
Reading Goals
- Finish reading Unoffendable and The Woman They Could Not Silence.
- Finish listening to The Four Winds.
Family Goals
- Watch the Olympics together as a family.
- Go on a date with Jesse.
Business/Blogging Goals
- Write a post sharing a recipe for Sheetpan Dinner.
- Make two reels.
- Write devotional for