He’s been doing so well in therapy and is starting to learn how to pull up, climb, and stand!

She loves vacuuming… or trying to!

I love watching them all hang out together in the mornings before school and in the afternoons and evenings after they get home from school!

I never knew I would celebrate him making messes so much… but watching him learn how to have the skills to get into things and the curiosity to want to get into things is so exciting! (I share a little more in this video and caption here.)

She’s loving learning so much right now!!

She gets SO excited about colors and letters and numbers and counting… we’re trying to capitalize on her interest and enthusiasm!

I’m over 20 weeks now — I can’t believe we’re halfway, baby! And the belly is starting to pop a little!
I haven’t been doing weekly pregnancy updates like I did last time around, but I plan to occasional post updates for those who have asked. This week had a lot of ups and downs when it comes to pregnancy-related things…
I started spotting last Monday and it got worse over the next few days so my OB wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. All looks great with baby but they did discover that my placenta was bleeding in a small section, so I’m supposed to take it easy for the next two weeks or so (no exercise, no lifting over 20 lbs., etc.) They think it will clear up within the next week or so but they gave me specific things to look for and strict instructions to call immediately if anything gets worse, I start cramping, etc.
In addition, my hemoglobin has dipped a little more (we did labs again this week since I have a history of anemia), so I’m adding Blood Builder pills to my daily regimen of Slow-FE + orange juice. I definitely have felt more tired this week, so I’m hoping this will help.
In happier news, we got to do the anatomy scan this week when I went in for the unexpected ultrasound! It was scheduled for this coming week, so it was fun to get that done — and everything looked great! We confirmed the gender (we had gotten the chromosomal blood test at 12 weeks) and baby is around 10 ounces and very, very active!
I’m feeling so well overall. Tired, yes. Nauseous some, yes. But I feel like this has by far been my easiest pregnancy — and the time is passing by so quickly! I’m so grateful for the gift of getting to carry this life — something I didn’t expect would be happening again!
I’m at the ravenously hungry much of the time stage, but am being careful with what I eat to help prevent heartburn as much as possible. My biggest cravings right now are sourdough bread toasted with butter, meat, cheese, and staying hydrated. I’m also happy that I’m able to enjoy salads again and am not really craving fast foods but mostly healthier foods (although I woke up multiple mornings recently wanting fresh doughnuts! )
An Update on Last Week’s Goals
Personal Goals
Delete 1000 photos and videos from my phone.Do one extra house-cleaning project every day(follow along on Instagram for details!)
Reading Goals
- Finish reading Win the Day and The Woman They Could Not Silence.
Finish reading The Jesus Storybook Bible with Kierstyn.
Family Goals
- Have a family game night.
Watch a movie with Jesse.
Business/Blogging Goals
Write post with an update on my yearly goals.Choose and post books for February.
Book Goals
Finish the Step-by-Step implementation plan for the end of the book.Work on final edits before turning book in to my publisher.
My 8 Goals for This Week
My big goal for this week is to do the final edits to my book manuscript because it’s due to my publisher on February 15. I’m keeping my goals simple with this in mind. Plus, we’re spending a lot of time watching the Winter Olympics (especially ice-skating!) together as a family right now!
Personal Goals
- Delete 1000 photos and videos from my phone.
- Do one extra house-cleaning project every day (follow along on Instagram for details!)
- Do a craft project.
Reading Goals
- Finish reading Unoffendable and The Woman They Could Not Silence.
Family Goals
- Watch the Olympics & Super Bowl together as a family.
Business/Blogging Goals
- Write a post on surviving & thriving with two littles.
Book Goals
- Read through each chapter of the book.
- Work on final edits before turning book in to my publisher.