A Peek Into My Grocery Shopping Recently

2 min

A Peek Into My Grocery Shopping Recently

This 3-Bean Chili Chowder is a family favorite and was a great addition to our family Christmas decorating night.

Here’s the recipe from my recipe box.

We used the meatballs and sauce and pasta for pasta/meatballs/pasta for dinner one night.

I was excited about this sale on chicken at Kroger.

We bought this marked down Sweet Potato Souffle and it was NOT a hit. Not worth $2.49 at all, but hey, you win some and you lose some!

I was excited about the deals at Kroger this week — especially a 10-lb bag of potatoes for $1.97!

My shopping helper. 🙂

I ran by Kroger one day last week when I had around 15 minutes to see what markdowns I could find. I was thrilled to get two full bags of avocados for just $0.99 each. The kids were thrilled with the pumpkin egg nog for $0.99!

And then I went back to Kroger when I had more time and picked up some of the weekly deals.

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