A Peek Into the Last Week

2 min

A Peek Into the Last Week

Kaitlynn braided Kierstyn’s hair for the first time — and yes, she was asleep the whole time! I think that might be the only way she will sit still long enough right now! 🙂

We went axe-throwing with another couple last week. It was so much fun — even if I never got a bulls-eye!

We got to take care of Champ last week. Can you believe how big he is getting??

This boy will always hold such a big piece of my heart. We feel so incredibly blessed that his mama has chosen to allow us to continue to be a big part of his life! He always gets SO excited to see us and it just melts our hearts to see how he is so strongly attached to his mama but also so thrilled to be with us!

I love this picture of Jesse down on the floor just loving on all three littles!

Last week, I also made Morning Glory Muffins — which are muffins I used to make a lot years ago!

Silas came and brought me these yesterday. He told me he had exchanged most of his Reese’s (my favorite) for Milk Duds (his favorite), but that he saved these three for me because he wanted to give them to me! It meant so much to me to know he was thinking of me when he was trading candy with his friends!

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