We’re kicking off the year with an 8-week Cut Your Grocery Bill Challenge. I’ll be sharing a weekly post here every Thursday with a task or challenge for you to complete/focus on to help you tweak, improve, or overhaul your grocery budget.
My hope is that we can all work together to crowd-source new ideas and fresh inspiration to be more thoughtful and intentional in our grocery budgets + hopefully save some money and instill some practices and principles and habits that will continue to save us money throughout the rest of the year.

In week #1, we talked about setting up a grocery budget. That’s the most important first step in cutting your grocery bill.
In week #2, we discussed why you need to recognize potential roadblocks. Be sure to read through the comments here to hear about others’ roadblocks. I think it will encourage you to know you’re not alone.
Last week, I challenged you to commit to change one thing for three weeks. You can see the comments on the post for ideas of what others picked.

Week #4: Check In on Your Progress
It’s been four weeks since we began this challenge and it’s time to check in and see how we’re doing. How are you doing sticking with your budget? What are you struggling with the most? Are there things that you are finding especially difficult? Has anything surprised you?
Also, have you saved money? If so, how much?
It’s important to regularly check in on your progress. Sometimes, we can think we are making progress, but if we don’t actually stop to measure and quantify it, we won’t know! In addition, take time to re-assess what’s working and what’s not working and celebrate the wins you’ve had and make adjustments or tweaks in areas where you’re struggling.

I went to my usual Kroger this week. There weren’t any crazy, amazing deals, but I did find some deals and markdowns.

All totaled: $95 and some change for all of this.
I’m going to buy eggs from some friends who have chickens and then we’ll roll over what’s left in the budget from being under-budget the past two weeks. (About $23 total.)
I’m loosely planning we’ll have Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole, Sloppy Joes, Barbecued Chicken & Twice Baked Potatoes, Sausage/Potatoes/Carrots in the Crockpot, Bean & Cheese Burritos, and then we’ll have leftovers/fend for yourself night one night and takeout for Kathrynne’s 18th birthday!
Week #4 Project: Check In on Your Progress
Are joining us for the Cut Your Grocery Bill Challenge? If so, I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know how it’s going, how you’re doing with sticking with your budget, and if there’s any area you’re especially struggling with.
Plus, if you have a minute, go through the comments and leave a comment or two replying to someone and cheering them on or giving them ideas for what might work in areas they are struggling.

Need some practical ideas for ways to cut your grocery bill? Be sure to sign up for my free cheatsheet with 10 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill by $50 This Week!