Frugal Recipe: Easy Healthy Fall Treats

1 min

healthy fall treats

I don’t feel like these kinds of items are things I would normally make, but I was inspired after seeing some pictures online. Plus, I don’t think the kids would ever complain to having festive treats.

Note: I went into my cabinet and just grabbed things that might work as ingredients. Feel free to get creative and use whatever you have.

Easy Healthy Fall Treats:

Pumpkin Deviled Eggs – Boil eggs for 10 minutes. Peel, cut in half vertically, and scoop out the yolk. Mix the yolk with some mayonnaise, chopped pickles, yellow mustard, salt, and a dash of paprika. Put the mixture evenly back into egg whites and top each one with a thin piece of celery.

Tangerine Pumpkins – Peel a tangerine and stick a thin piece of celery on the top.

Creepy Bananas – Peel a banana and cut in half. Press two big sprinkles in the side for eyes and cut a piece of chocolate in a circle for the mouth (you could also use chocolate chips for this).

Monster Mouths – Cut two slices of apple and spread peanut butter on one side of each slice. Stick them together so it looks like an open mouth. Put Rice Krispies cereal in the peanut butter to look like teeth.

I’m sure there are loads of other fun treats like this you could easily make. Let me know if you have any good ideas!

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