Gretchen’s $90 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6

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Gretchen’s $90 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6

I’m so happy to be back after 2 weeks off for traveling. I went to several stores this week to score the best deals. Gratefully, all of these stores are pretty much on the same block so it’s not much gas money to shop at all of them!


2 Half & Half – $2.39 each

1 Taco Seasoning Mix – $0.38

1 can Refried Beans – $0.89

1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup – $0.58

1 can Cherry Pie Filling – $2.29

1 box Spaghetti – $1.67

2 boxes Mac & Cheese – $0.43 each

2 bags Kettle Chips – $1.65

1 lb Butter – $3.86

1 bag Frozen Peas – $0.84 (These are for my baby girl.)

1 bag Organic Squash – $1.99 (These are also for my baby girl.)

2.03 lbs Zucchini – $2.42

1 bag Chocolate Chips – $1.89

1 Chocolate Chip Granola Bars – $1.59

1 pkg Chicken Breasts – $8.34

1 box Chocolate Puffs Cereal – $1.55

1 bag Romaine Lettuce – $2.89

1.79 lbs Zucchini – $2.13

2 Seedless Cucumbers – $1.19 each

1 bag Baby Carrots – $0.95

1 loaf Bread – $0.98

1 bag Cinnamon Raisin Bagels – $1.55

Total: $48.11

Harris Teeter

2 pkg Go-Gurt Yogurt – $2 each, used $1.50/2 HT e-coupon AND $1/2 Ibotta cash back – $0.75 each after coupon and cash back

1 Harris Teeter Bacon – $3.33

2 Kraft Ranch Dressing – $1.64 each, used $1.50/2 HT e-coupon – $0.89 each after coupon

4 Annie’s Mac & Cheese – $1.25 each

2 pkg Harris Teeter Tortillas – $0.84 and $1.24

2.69 lbs Sausage – Marked down to $1.99

2.69 lbs Red Grapes – $4.01

1 Pork Butt – $8.91 (This will last us several meals!)

Used $5 off eVic coupon they sent to me

Total: $23.60


2 Beech-Nut Baby Oatmeal – Marked down to $1.39 each (Can’t believe my baby girl is eating food now!)

1 SkinTe Drink – $3, used free Ibotta cash back – Free after cash back

1 Tillamook Ice Cream – $3.24

1 SO Yogurt – $1.99, used Free Ibotta cash back – Free after cash back

1 Danimals Drinking Yogurt – $3.07

2 Cheerios Cereal – $2.36 each, used $1/2 e-coupon – $1.86 each after coupon

Total: $12.81


3 dozen Free Range Brown Eggs – $2 each (I was so excited about this price as eggs are close to $5 at Aldi!)

Total: $6

Total for all groceries: $90.52

Menu Plan for This Week


Cereal, Bagels, Eggs, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (from the freezer)


Mac & Cheese/Grapes x 2, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches/Carrot Sticks/Grapes x 2, Cheese/Crackers/Cucumbers x 2, Leftovers


Dinner with friends (I’m bringing chips and Cherry Cobbler & Ice Cream.)

Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon

Spaghetti, Zucchini, Toasted Bagels

Barbecue Meatballs (using a combination of meats from the freezer – beef/turkey/sausage), Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans from the garden

Soft Chicken Taco Bar

Roasted Pork Butt, Tossed Salad, Homemade Bread

Homemade Cheese Pizza, Breadsticks, Tossed Salad

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