How to Connect With Kids When You’re Just Plain Exhausted

3 min

connect with kids

We all go through rough patches where life gets in the way of connecting with each other. On top of responsibilities that don’t stop, maybe you’re going through a personal trial. Maybe you’ve been sick or caring for others who are sick. Maybe you’ve taken on something that has turned out to be bigger than anticipated. Maybe you’ve gone through all this at the same time!

Either way, we all go through seasons where we’re overloaded and just plain exhausted. Sometimes this means we’re not getting any quality time with our favorite people in the world – our kiddos!

These times in our lives are bound to happen, so I did some brainstorming and came up with a list of low-energy ways to connect with kids. Use your time and energy wisely and invest in some quality time with your sweet little people, even if you can’t get off the couch. 

Low-energy Ways to Connect with Kids:


Work on a puzzle
I love this when I’m feeling tired. Not only does everyone have fun, but it allows me to just sit and there’s not a ton of talking or conversation to keep track of. 

Play easy/short games
When you’re exhausted is not the time to break out the 5-hour fantasy games. Play quick card games on the couch. Grab a pad of paper and play hangman or tic-tac-toe. You could even play vintage video games like Oregon Trail via online emulators!

Go to the automatic carwash 
This is a fun one because the kids love it, it gets your car clean, it gets you out of the house and you get to just sit the whole time. 

watch a movie with kids

Put away devices and have a movie night
It’s easy to fall into the phone abyss during a movie night – guilty! But hide it away or set it charging and show your kids one of your favorite movies from childhood (I love doing this) or let them choose a new one no one has seen. Let yourself actually relax and be entertained!

Listen to an audiobook or have them read to you
I love reading but don’t do much of it when I’m exhausted. Reading is good for kids, too, so knock out two birds with one stone and listen to an audiobook together. Even better, have them choose a book and read to you if they’re capable!

Facetime grandma and other family members
Connect with family members together and everyone gets a boost! Facetime grandma, uncles, aunts, old friends and more who want to catch up with you and your kiddo. Let them do the talking to give your mind break. Play around with filters and funny faces to make it last longer. 

countdown craft

Make a countdown craft
This is a good one to give everyone something to look forward to. Post up on the couch, grab some construction paper and make paper rings to countdown to something fun. When you’re in the thick of a stressful time, this is a great way to reconnect and look forward to a fun vacation, event, etc. together. 

Go on a walk
Just mindlessly wander around your neighborhood or property. This doesn’t need to be exercise-focused when we’re feeling exhausted, just walking with the kids and shooting the breeze or not even talking at all.

Break records 
Grab your phone timer and time them running over and over and see if they can break their own records. You can also do jumprope records, handstand records, number of cartwheels, etc. This is my favorite when I want them to spend time with them outside but don’t want to get out of my chair. 


Color together
Be sweet to your inner child and color! This feels so restorative and coloring alongside your kids is so special for you and them. 

Look at pictures together
Grab your photo albums or photo boxes and look at pictures and reminisce. Show them pictures from when they were a baby, from your wedding, or remember a favorite vacation together. If you don’t feel like looking for albums, just grab your phone! Many phones have special sections where you can see pictures of particular people, pictures taken at specific locations, or even watch the phone-created slideshows!

Sit on the porch
That’s it, just sit on the porch. Listen to nature or cars go by, talk about their day or yours and just relax.

See more frugal living ideas. 

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