Join The 12 Days of Giving Virtual Food Drive And Help Provide For A Family In Need

1 min

Feeding Tampa Draft on I Heart Publix

This post is sponsored by Kellogg’s. All comments and opinions are my own.

There’s no better time than the holidays to reflect on the year and count our blessings as we look ahead. And that’s even more true if you’re fortunate enough to have friends and family around you and good food to feed them.

It’s also the perfect time for those of that can to come together and help lift up those who aren’t so fortunate. Millions of people are facing food insecurity even with the holidays approaching. Many of our neighbors are fearful of a hungry holiday for themselves and those they hold closest.

That’s why it’s so important to support programs like Feeding America and their local affiliates, including Feeding Tampa Bay. And Kellogg’s is doing just that. They are joining with Feeding Tampa Bay to provide desperately needed meals for local families in the Tampa Bay area and the surrounding communities.

They’re also working hard to break the stigma around food insecurity. Most people facing food insecurity are good, hard-working folks who suffered a setback like the loss of a job, unforeseen medical bills, or even a natural disaster. Many never imagined themselves having to rely upon the kindness of strangers, even for a single meal.

But that’s what makes the holiday spirit so special—people lifting up other people, whether they’re strangers or neighbors. And with the 12 Days of Giving Program and just $25, you can do just that by providing an entire holiday meal for a family in need. That’s the kind of impact that can pay serious dividends for just pennies on the dollar

How do they do it? With the help of featured partners from the corporate world and dedicated volunteers from the local community, Feeding Tampa Bay makes every donation count to ensure a happier, healthier holiday season for those who need it most.

To donate and learn more about all the great work they’re doing in their community, please visit the 12 Days of Giving Program. And if you want to do more, you can also learn how to organize a virtual food drive, help collect food, and spread the word about food insecurity.

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