What Is The Switch Witch?
There are a couple different stories of why the Switch Witch might come to your home, but the basic premise is the same: she comes to Switch kids’ trick-or-treating candy for an exciting new toy. It’s a way for your child to enjoy Halloween night and trick-or-treating, but to lessen the candy that sits around your house. Check out some other Creative Ways To Use Halloween Candy.
Switch Witch Books On The Market

The Switch Witch and The Magic Of Switchcraft
The Switch Witches need Halloween candy to make their Witchy World go round. To heat their homes, the Switch Witches need your Halloween candy. They have gotten their best witches on the job to switch the candy out for toys. Don’t forget to write the Switch Witch a letter telling her the toys you might want to trade your candy for!
Abigail loves visiting the mortal world to partake in the Halloween traditions, but it seems there is never enough sweets for her and her Transylvanian friends to enjoy. So, Abigail comes up with great idea! She can switch Halloween candy the mortal children get on Halloween for toys and everyone is happy!
In an attempt to help her friend Gavin indulge less in the energy-inducing candy, the Switch Witch comes up with a plan to switch out Gavin’s candy for a fun gift. This story will add magic to your child’s Halloween!
Switch Witch Toy Exchange Ideas
Make It Your Own
Just like Elf On A Shelf, you can make the Switch Witch tradition your own. No need to buy a book, just talk about the Switch Witch in as many or little details as you like. Try not to make the tradition about taking candy away from your babies. (See what I did there?) Let your kids divide their candy themselves. If you want your kids to have less candy, try trick or treating for less time in the day!
Check out more post if you are looking for more traditions to do together at Halloween or in Fall.
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The post Let’s Talk About The Switch Witch Tradition! appeared first on Fabulessly Frugal.