Make Money Mystery Shopping – How To Get Started

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Make Money Mystery Shopping – How To Get Started

Why not earn some side money as you shop and run your normal errands?!!

It’s super easy to get started with Mystery Shopping and it can pay pretty well depending on the assignments you take. Here’s a run down on how to get started and the best companies to work with.

We’ve done this for a few years now and have enjoyed a number of different free date nights, free oil changes and more.

What is Mystery Shopping?

Stores, banks, restaurants, and many other types of businesses contract with mystery shopping agencies to have customers come and see how their staff is performing.

Are they going through the welcome and greeting messaging the business wants?
Did they show you the dessert tray?
Did they give you all the required government paperwork for a loan?
etc. etc. etc.

Each mystery shopping assignment can be very different from one another.  Overall you are helping the businesses to know how well they are doing.

How Much Can You Make

You’ll be paid for any required purchases you need to make (example we had dinner at Longhorn and had to buy 1 entree, 1 dessert and 1 appetizer). You’ll also earn a small amount for your time required in typing up the report. If you type a great report you can even earn a bonus with most companies. There will be a number of stipulations they give you about the “job” including what day or time of day they want you to visit.

Some jobs pay far more than others, but generally those also take more time.  Make sure you pick jobs that you will actually do, as you will have a running score tied to your account and if you do poorly or don’t do the jobs at all, they will offer you less and less work.

How to Get Started Mystery Shopping

There are a number of companies that offer mystery shopping work, however you should NEVER pay to join any mystery shopping company or list! All the of the legitimate companies are free to join.   Also, never accept a job that involves transferring money or accepting checks.

To find companies to get started with here are a few that I’ve worked with in the past:

Pinnacle Financial

Best Mark (personal favorite for oil changes!)

Sinclair Customer Metrics – to sign up look for a link at the top of the site.


Market Force

MSPA – Job Search Board – this is a board that posts jobs from numerous agencies.  You’ll have to sign up for the individual agencies before getting approved.  It does help you to see everything in your area.

All of these companies will ask you to fill out a questionnaire so they know what shops you would be best for.  Many will also end up needing your SSN and other personal information so that they can pay you (this is required by the government).  Most will pay straight to Paypal so you don’t wait long at all for reimbursement and payment.

After you sign up expect a short delay.  Most companies manually approve applications, so expect to hear about assignments a few days after signing up

As you get started I would love to hear what types of jobs you get offered!  I’m off to get pizza dinner and a free carwash with local shops…

Make Money Mystery Shopping

Make Money Mystery Shopping

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