I’m keeping my goals very simple and measurable this year. I’m also breaking them down into weekly goals and will be using my habit tracker to track them plus I plan to do weekly blog posts and Instagram stories sharing my progress, since that is something many of you have asked for.
My hope is to wrap my time and life around things that will matter for years to come, so each of these goals are chosen with this in mind.
Goal #1: Lose .1% Body Fat Per Week
Micah is 6 months old and it’s time to finish losing the baby weight! My body typically loses very slowly the first six months and then once I hit the six-month mark, it comes off more easily. However, I’ve never been 41 before, so we’ll see!
I decided to choose a body fat goal instead of a weight goal because I’m focusing on strength training, eating good protein, getting enough sleep, and overall healthy versus a specific number on the scale. My goal is to take care of my body and health well I can so I can have energy to do what God has called me to.
My plan: I’ll be working out 5-6 days/week using a version of the Mayhem30/Mayhem Moms program that Jesse is putting together for me each day. I’m also tracking my protein, carbs, and fats eaten on My Fitness Pal. And I’m using a Wyze body fat scale to track this.
Goal #2: Have One Family Dinner Per Week
With three teenagers who have work, social activities, and sports many nights, we decided that we’d aim to consistently have one family dinner each week — where we’re all home and we all sit around the table and eat together. And maybe play a game or two, as well.
We are also working on establishing the habit of lunch and reading around the table every day with the three youngest ones — now that Micah is starting to eat solid foods with us
The plan: We plan to look at our calendars at the beginning of the week to figure out which night will work with our schedules to have our family dinner that week, as it will likely change each week.

Goal #3: Finish One Book Per Week
I’m going to be honest, it was hard for me to not set a higher reading goal… you know how much I love to read! But I think this goal will encourage me to get creative with making reading a priority right now while also being pretty realistic.
The plan: I’m setting a daily goal to listen to 30 minutes of an audiobook and to read for 10 minutes every day. Since I usually always have 2-3 books going, if I hit these daily goals, I should also be able to accomplish my goal of finishing one book each week.
Goal #4: Have One Date With One Family Member Per Week
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to prioritize a special date with one of the kids or Jesse every week. And my goal is to rotate which one gets a date each week so that I have a date with each of them almost every single month.
The plan: I plan to look at the calendar at the beginning of the week each week to determine which day/time/person I’ll have a date with that week, depending upon that week’s schedule and other people’s plans.

Goal #5: Spend 25 Minutes on Organizing/Decluttering Each Week
There are a lot of areas in our home that I want to declutter and come up with better organizational systems for. So I plan to spend 5 minutes a day on this — tackling one area at a time.
The plan: I’ll be posting a quick organizational project each day on Instagram + my results from doing the project each day, if you’d like to follow along. Plus, I plan to do a weekly round-up post here showing what areas I organized/decluttered.
Goal #6: Delete 300 Photos/Videos From My Phone Each Week
I take a LOT of photos and videos on my phone each week — one of the parts of having a business that is online and being very active on social media! I will often take multiple photos from different angles to get good lighting/a good shot. Which means that I often have many photos/videos that can be deleted. But I don’t do a very good job of keeping them pared down. This year, my goal is to get in the habit of regularly deleting them and keeping my phone less cluttered.
The plan: I plan to delete 50 photos/videos from my phone every day. My hope is that I’ll slowly work through the backlog of photos/videos I can delete from previous weeks/months/years plus keep on top of new photos/videos I take.

Those are my goals for 2023. Stay tuned for my upcoming post on my habit chart for 2023 to help me focus on following through with these goals on a weekly and daily basis!