Our Fitness, Family, & Personal Goals for Fall

1 min

Our Fitness, Family, & Personal Goals for Fall

Since it’s the beginning of a new school year for us, Jesse and I sat down and shared some of our new mid-year goals that we each set for our fitness, family, and personal lives.

If you need a little inspiration to set some new goals or to get back up on the goal-setting wagon if you’ve fallen off since January or are just curious what we are prioritizing for the next few months, be sure to listen to this episode.

In This Episode

[00:34] – Welcome to another episode of The Crystal Paine Show.

[01:56] – We are very much in back-to-school mode here.

[02:39] – My reading update and another five-star book for this year.

[04:53] – I’m loving this water bottle.

[06:43] – Are you ready to talk about goals?

[07:09] – I think when you set a goal, it needs to be something you can measure. So, it’s not a goal if there’s not a finish line.

[07:29] – We’re going to start out with health and fitness goals.

[10:04] – Most of Jesse’s goals could be considered workout goals in some way.

[12:04] – I’m cracking up because mine and Jesse’s goals are the complete opposite.

[17:09] – My biggest priority is a healthy baby and a healthy mom, so I’m giving lots of grace.

[18:13] – We’re also prioritizing relationships and community. We are actively working towards building more community.

[20:46] – In addition to community, consistency with meal-prep and family meals.

[22:34] – For the business goal, I have one book-launch related goal.

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