“Any tips for surviving having two littles? I have a 2 1/2 year-old and a 5-month-old and I’m struggling to keep on top of everything.” -A follower

1. Start Your Day with Jesus.
Even if it means listening to the Bible on audio while you push your kids in the stroller, being your day relying upon the Lord and filling yourself up with His word. You can do this on your own; lean on Him.
2. Create a Simple Routine.
Plan a few things to do in the same order every morning, after lunch, and in the evenings. This makes a world of difference in how my days run. Without a simple plan, I just run around putting out fires.

3. Simplify Wherever You Can.
Use paper plates, stick with quick meals, double any cooking you do to stick in the freezer.
4. Get Out of the House.
Even if it’s just to go on a walk or to the library, get out of the house. A change of scenery can do wonders for your sanity.

5. Have Daily Quiet Time.
Have an afternoon nap time/quiet time every day. This is time for you to put your feet up, eat some chocolate (or a healthy snack!), and do something to refresh your spirit.