Regional Coupon Insert Variations 01/15

1 min

insert variations

Did you know that every area and paper gets different coupons in their inserts?

This is one of the biggest things that can frustrate couponers — we all want the great coupons but sometimes only a few select areas get them. Each week volunteers send in insert variation lists to show exactly what coupons were in their papers. I take these and put them into the coupon database. In turn you can then have shopping lists that only show the coupons in your area! Take a look at the coupon insert variations for 01/15, below.

Click on your newspaper to see which coupons you actually received.

If your paper is not covered and you’re interested in helping, feel free to email me at for directions. I promise it’s easy!

As volunteers send me their lists I will continue to update this list.

A legend for the list:
Black = You got this coupon!
Red = Not in this insert
Blue = A change in value, or a new coupon not in the preview.

Mobile Press Register (thanks, Patricia!)

North Carolina
Asheville Citizen-Times (thanks, Tracy!)
Charlotte Observer (thanks, Tracy!)
Raleigh News & Observer (thanks, Cathy!)

South Carolina
The Post and Courier (thanks, Jaim’e!)
The State (thanks, Pat!)

Knoxville News-Sentinel (thanks, Bessie!)
The Tennessean (thanks, Karen!) 

by mail
SundayCouponInserts (thanks, Jenny!)

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