Southern Savers FREE December 2021 Monthly Meal Plan

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Southern Savers FREE December 2021 Monthly Meal Plan

This month’s meal plan may not have 31 meals on it, but it is definitely a realistic look at our family’s meals for a month! Sometimes when I mention that I try to meal plan for a month, the response is incredulous. People say they can’t possibly think of 31 meals. But the truth is, you don’t have to have that many different options.

You can repeat meals more than once a month, and some nights you might have leftovers. Your family might choose to order pizza one night, or you might get invited somewhere. Our church has a dinner at least once a month, so that’s one night I never have to worry about what to make! Here is what December looks like for us, and as always, feel free to substitute where necessary!

Southern Savers FREE December 2021 Monthly Meal Plan

This December is certainly more busy than last December. We’ll be hosting family for Christmas, traveling another weekend, and going to a wedding. We’re also having dinner with friends at least once. And so as I said above, I didn’t have to think of 31 meals. I didn’t even really count Christmas Eve, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve since those are special occasions. Now we’re down to only 28 meals. Then we have at least 4 other nights where I don’t actually have to cook anything, which is only 24. Surely you can come up with 24 meals your family enjoys! Or, if you don’t want to, just steal my monthly meal plan—after all, that’s what it’s here for!

Download the December 2021 FREE Monthly Meal Plan

Other meal plans from this year:
November 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
October 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
September 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
August 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
July 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
June 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
May 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
April 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
March 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
February 2021 Monthly Meal Plan
January 2021 Monthly Meal Plan

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