Stock the Freezer: Freezer Ground Turkey Recipes (with Shopping List!)

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Stock the Freezer: Freezer Ground Turkey Recipes (with Shopping List!)

In the past I’ve shared freezer recipes I’ve developed as well as round ups of freezer recipes from others, and they’ve always been well received!

Going forward, I hope to share a post like this one each month with 5 recipes focused on one main ingredient that you can stock your freezer with. This can help with your budget because you can take advantage of deals on certain key meal ingredients, and it will also keep you from eating out long term if your freezer is stocked with tons of already-made meals! Look forward to future posts like this, but for today, I hope you find this round up of freezer ground turkey recipes.

Stock the Freezer: Freezer Ground Turkey Recipes 

I’ve found 5 delicious recipes that you can make with ground turkey and stick in the freezer. If any of these don’t look like meals your family will eat, then just double one of the other ones so you’ll have plenty! If you make all 5 of these, it should be enough for 1 meal of each for a family of 4. If you have a larger family, you may want to double the recipes to make sure you have enough.

At the end of the post is a grocery list if you want to make ONE batch of each of these recipes.

Turkey Veggie Meatballs (makes 28-30 total)

These meatballs have just a couple ingredients and are absolutely delicious. To freeze them, you’ll bake them first, let them cool, and then let them freeze on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper before putting them in a freezer safe container.

Mini Turkey Meatloaves (makes 3-4 meatloaves)

These mini meatloaves are adorable and covered with a delicious sauce! If you want to freeze these, follow the directions to bake the loaves WITHOUT the sauce. Then let them freeze on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper before putting them in a freezer safe container. When you’re ready to eat them, let them thaw overnight and then follow the directions with adding the sauce when it’s in the oven.

Freezer Burritos (makes 14 total)

These are perfect for dinner or even for an easy breakfast! To freeze them, you’ll make them, let them cool, then wrap in wax paper and put them in a freezer safe container.

Turkey Black Bean Chili (makes 4-6 servings)

This chili can be made fully before you freeze it. Then just put it in a freezer safe container or bag, or even store individual servings in Mason jars in the freezer.

Cheeseburger Stuffed Peppers (makes 5 total)

Note: This recipe calls for ground beef, but just use ground turkey instead! The recipe gives the option of freezing the filling and then assembling everything else the day of, or you can see the author’s post about how to freeze stuffed peppers.

Ground Turkey Recipes Shopping List

This shopping list has everything you need to make these recipes. Be sure to check your pantry for the condiments and spices before spending money on them!

Download the freezer ground turkey recipes shopping list!

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