Publix Extra Savings Flyer valid 12/31 to 1/13
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 12/31 through Friday, 1/13. Let me...8 min
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 12/31 through Friday, 1/13. Let me...8 min
Here are the best deals I see in the Publix Extra Savings Flyer that runs through Friday, 12/30. Remember that these are just the Super...4 min
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 12/17 through Friday, 12/30. Let me...9 min
Here are the best deals I see in the Publix Extra Savings Flyer that runs through Friday, 12/16. Remember that these are just the Super...4 min
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 12/3 through Friday, 12/16. Let me...8 min
Here are the best deals I see in the Publix Extra Savings Flyer that runs through Friday, 12/2. Remember that these are just the Super...4 min
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 11/19 through Friday, 12/2. Let me...8 min
We have a new Publix booklet filled with tons of great Publix coupons (and a few manufacturer’s coupons) that is coming out soon. Check your...4 min
Here are the best deals I see in the Publix Extra Savings Flyer that runs through Friday, 11/18. Remember that these are just the Super...3 min
Check out all the deals in our Publix Extra Savings Flyer that will be in effect starting on Saturday, 11/5 through Friday, 11/18. Let me...8 min