Hurry and hop over to shop the clearance at Walgreens. They have Squishmallow Plushies on sale for 40% off! Prices start at $5.99!
These won’t last long, so hurry and snag one now! If you use code WAG10 at checkout, you can also get an additional 10% off your order. Note that there is a limit of 3 uses per account for this code.
You must spend a minimum of $10 to get free store pickup.
Deal Ideas:
Inventory and prices will vary by store.
Aqua Kirin 16 Inch – $14.99 (reg. $25)
Winking Bulldog 14 Inch – $11.99 (reg. $20)
Mushroom Squish 8 Inch – $5.99 (reg. $10)