Why the little minutes matter

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Why the little minutes matter

“Use the little minutes…” they add up! In this Time-Saving Mom Instagram live with @drdaltonsmith she shares her wisdom from years of research on why rest matters, how rest isn’t just sleep (we talk about creative rest and more!), and how it greatly affects our productivity and joy to live from a rested state.

In this 15-minute Instagram live, @drdaltonsmith talks about:

  • What simple thing she plans each night before bed that makes a big difference in her day.
  • How to know what type of rest you are deficient in (hint: go to RestQuiz.com!)
  • Why she changed the way she approached her personal devotions.
  • The importance of setting an example for our kids when it comes to rest.
  • How we need to stop discounting the power of 3-minute and 5-minute blocks of time.

Listen to or watch our 15-minute conversation here.

If you’ve not read Sacred Rest, I highly recommend it! It was life-changing for me as it changed my perspective on what rest looks like and challenged me to add a lot more social and creative rest in my life — which has made a huge difference for me!

Want more time-saving strategies and practical ideas? My new book, The Time-Saving Mom comes out in March and it’s packed with all my best tips and the foundational systems and principles I use to juggle a lot, enjoy my life, and accomplish what matters most! Order it here.

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