Winter and Spring Kid Crafts

2 min

Winter and Spring Kid Crafts

This past week we’ve been all over the board in terms of weather in my area.  We’ve had rain, 70 degree weather and 30 degree weather.  I don’t know about you, but I usually like to match my crafts with how the weather is outside.

Today I have a few crafts for you to do with your kids for Valentine’s Day, Winter Crafts and Spring Crafts.  They tend to need something to direct their attention to when it’s too cold to play outside.  I’ll let you choose whether it’s Spring craft season or Winter.

Winter or Spring Kid Crafts

Valentine’s Day Crafts

The next big holiday we have coming up is Valentine’s Day. I know this is a big DIY time for making your own Valentines with your kids.  I found a really fun project from Martha Stewart using wax paper hearts that you can hang in the window.  Why not add some extra umph to it and turn it into a valentine project that kids can later hang in their window?

To add more life to it, decorate the child’s name on the heart and maybe glue some tissue paper around the border.  This will be a card they can proudly hang in their windows and then watch the sun shine through all of the pretty colors.

Easter Trees

I love Easter trees!  I found this one from Better Homes & Gardens; it’s so easy to make!  Just bring in some branches from the yard that you can later put into a bucket or a jar.  You can either paint the branches or leave them natural.

Then have your kids decorate some plastic eggs either with paint, paper or Mod Podge then with pretty fabrics.  You can even have them cut out decorations from craft paper to hang on the limbs.  All you have left to do is attach some strings to the decorations so you can hang them.


Make sure you save your empty egg cartons for this next one.  Now we’re making doorbells from Martha Stewart. Cut out the cone shapes from the egg carton and have your kids paint them however they’d like. Put some glue on the edges and sprinkle glitter over the glue.  Then thread a bell onto some yarn, poke a hole through the top of the cone, and leave enough string at the top to tie around the door knob.


I’m sure many of you remember folding paper and cutting it to make snowflake designs. This tutorial shows you how to make even more complicated ones, but they’re still pretty simple!

If you want more ideas on craft ideas to do with your kids, follow our Winter and Spring Kids Crafts Pinterest board.

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